Click here if you would like to see a full-sized photo of this horse. It is slow loading, so you might like to right click and open it in a different window.

There were 4 different air-filled rides for the children.

The Train Ride was a dollar a child.Train Ride

I was able to get only three photos of the bed race cars as the race was held on Sunday. Click here to see them.

On a smaller note, one of the exhibits was a turtle race for NEMO Softball to earn money. Click here to see the turtle race.

Click here to see more photos of the 4-H exhibit.

The Southside Roadrunners 4-H display consisted of hand made lawn ornaments and bird baths.
Their project was made from cement and leaves.

The Knox County Chapter Whistling Bobs display had an invitation to their 2nd Annual Banquest. The dinner is 7 p.m.
at the KC hall on Saturday, October 20th in Edina. The doors will open at 5:30 p.m. This is a fund raiser to help with the
Whistling Bobs' work with the habitat. To buy tickets, you can contact:
  • Daryl Huchteman at 660-216-0484 or
  • Bill Wiseman 660-216-0398 or
  • Tony Pulse at 660-216-5345.

There were many pristine cars lined up along a few blocks where the car show was.
There were too many for me to photograph individually.

Click here to see my personal favorite and some of the rest of the cars in the car show.

Niblett King and Queen 2006There was a contest for the Niblett King and Queen. Each contestant was asked a few questions and rated by their answers. The king and queen of 2006 crowned the new pair. The winners of the contest for Niblett king and queen were photographed and posted in the Edina Sentinel.Niblett King and Queen 2007

There were many tables set up selling crafts and other items. Click here to see more photos of the vendors tables. There were games set up in the street for those who wished to participate.